Yanqin Wu 武延庆

Contact: wu_at_astro.utoronto.ca

I am a professor of Astronomy at the University of Toronto. My current research centre on planets in our Solar system and beyond. I study their internal structure, their dynamics, and their formation site -- the proto-planetary discs. After staring at the planets discovered by the Kepler Space mission for a number of years, I am now increasingly intrigued by the ALMA images of proto-planetary disks.

Research NEWS

  • May 2022: Awarded the Guggeiheim Fellowship (blib 1, blib2).

  • Proto-planetary disks are unstable.

  • Another kind of planets (sub-Earths).

  • Kepler planets are indep. of stellar metallicities.

  • Tidal disruption making debris disks?


Academic Year 2021

fall/winter -- intro to Research (AST424/425)

winter -- introduction to astrophysics (AST320)

previous courses:

. 1st year: year-long inter-disciplinary course‘Energy, from Fire to Future’ (BIG101)

. 1st year: Astronomy @ the Frontiers (SCI199Y)

. 1st year: Origin and Evolution of the Universe (AST121)

. 2nd year: Stars and Solar system (AST221)

. 3rd year: Introduction to Astrophysics (AST320)

. 4th year: Introduction to Research (AST424/425)

. graduate course: Radiative Processes (AST1440)

. graduate course: Stellar structure and Evolution (AST1410)

. graduate course: Galactic Dynamics (AST1420)

. graduate course: Introduction to Research (AST1501Y)

. graduate mini-course: planetary dynamics (AST3100)